For what reasons do flies appear in the house?

Harmful insects appear at home for the following reasons:

  1. Unsanitary conditions in the apartment. Leftover food, dirty dishes, accumulations of old things, stale garbage, greasy rags on the sink - all this attracts flies.
  2. Insufficient ventilation of the room.
  3. Excessive humidity (in such conditions pests actively reproduce).
  4. The neighbors have unsanitary conditions (for this reason, insects fly to the new apartment).

It is necessary to begin the fight against parasites by eliminating the factors described above.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method involves catching and destroying flies using special traps, Velcro, bait, and a fly swatter.

If there are a lot of flies in the house, it is recommended to give preference to electric fly swatters. Unlike classic flycatchers, they do not leave marks on curtains, furniture, or walls.

The electric fly swatter runs on AA batteries. In one swoop it is possible to destroy a small swarm of insects. The device is used indoors and outdoors.

Velcro for catching flies is a tape on which viscous non-toxic components (resin, glue, oil) are applied. The pleasant smell attracts insects: they land on the surface, stick to it, but can no longer fly up. After some time, the flies die.

Fly bait can be made at home. To do this you will need a plastic bottle, honey, water, yeast and sugar.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Scissors cut off the neck of a plastic bottle.
  • Unscrew the stopper and pour in 150 ml of water.
  • Add 15 g of sugar and mix thoroughly.
  • Add a bag of dry yeast and 10 g of honey to the solution. Everything is mixed.
  • The top of the bottle is turned upside down and inserted into a container with the solution. In order for the flies to fly inside, there must be a distance between the layer of bait and the neck.

The outside of the bottle is wrapped in bright paper - this will attract the attention of insects.


Quote from Smolka's message

Read in full In your quotation book or community!
The drawings of this trap were taken from old books - the colonialists who moved from Europe to Australia, as well as modern residents, suffered from flies, so they were forced to find an effective solution. We are talking about a dry trap, in which flies die from dehydration.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Further from the author's words:

I made it with my own hands from boards and mesh in just a few hours, and after 10 months of use I can say that this is the most high-tech solution without the use of chemicals. At the end of the article I will place a visual result of her work - I’m sure you will be very surprised. Externally, the trap resembles a small wooden bedside table. The design of the trap must be transparent to sunlight, so its walls and lid are made of mesh with small cells.

The main secret of the design is the pyramidal bottom. Flies always fly up towards the light, so the bottom of the trap is made in the shape of a pyramid. The transparent mesh “deceives” the fly, no matter how funny it sounds:

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Bait is placed under the trap, the flies flock to its smell and, taking off, are forced to use only a small hole at the top of the pyramid to escape, getting inside the trap. I can’t resist spoiling about its effectiveness - see photo below. Guess how long it took for this to happen? The answer, as promised at the end of the article.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

As you can already clearly see, the design of the flytrap is quite simple, and it can be assembled from available materials: the remains of clapboard or timber, boards from an unnecessary fence, an old stool or even a bedside table.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Assembling the flytrap body

Important! I got creative and decided to make a fly trap that would look professional. To do this: — First, I developed a design on a computer; — I decided to use Australian red cedar as the material; — The walls will be made of stainless mesh. - The base pyramid will also be made from this mesh.

Assembling the body of a flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Note! Red cedar has a notorious and bloody history and is now known as red gold. Over the course of a century, the red cedar tree was almost completely destroyed by colonialists, and it is not difficult to understand why. Making the Frame The first thing to do is figure out what size frame you can have with your wood. In my case, this is a 40x40 mm beam.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Using a sander, I bring the wood back to normal condition and begin making grooves for installing the mesh.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Note! The mesh can be screwed to the frame with self-tapping screws, but, again, I wanted to make a high-quality flytrap, so I approach the process professionally.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

— I set the saw depth to 12 mm, clamp the beam and make the first cut. Then I repeat the same operation on the other side of the beam so that they are at an angle of 90 degrees. — Again we remember our task - to make a professional model. Therefore, I arm myself with a plane and chamfer the corners to give the legs a more noble look. “Then I treat the wood with wax in order, firstly, to give it a richer color, and secondly, to protect it from moisture. Assembling the frame and cover You can see the entire assembly process in pictures by following the link to the source site, which I will indicate at the end of the article.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Creation of a pyramid

I'm starting to create the most important part of the flytrap - the pyramidal bottom. This process should be given maximum attention. When the mesh has been cut and bent, I turn the body of the wooden flytrap over and screw on the first element of the pyramid mesh. I repeat the same steps with three other pieces of mesh so that the top of the pyramid is inside the trap body.

Creating a pyramid trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Later, once everything is dry, I cut out the top of this pyramid to create a larger hole. This is an important part of the work that affects efficiency: - the hole is too small and the flies will not enter; - too big and they will run away. Note! I cut the top of the pyramid to 25mm. Installing side screens If you did everything correctly, installing the mesh in the slots will not cause any difficulties.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Installing hinges and latches

I bought brass hinges and a latch hook. Then I drilled holes for screws in the wood and screwed the hinges to the body and lid.

Installation of loops and latches of a trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

The promised trash

As I promised at the beginning of my story, I will tell you and even clearly demonstrate how the Australian flycatcher works. I install it on the lawn

The promised trash trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Advice! You can make bait yourself, or you can buy it at hardware stores. I specifically do not indicate the names because they are produced by local manufacturers for your area. We have several of these in Australia. And finally, the results of the work for the week - for all seven days the flycatcher stood on the lawn near the gazebo and the flies did not bother us at all. It's time to evaluate the effectiveness, and for this I opened the lid.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

There were just a huge number of dead flies. I even wanted to evaluate the result with mathematical accuracy, and for this I carried out some measurements: - To begin with, I poured them into empty plastic containers; — Then I weighed it on an electronic scale. Result – 2.3 kg!!!

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself

Just over two kilograms in a week, and the flies died from dehydration, and their weight was significantly reduced. Through simple calculations and intermediate weighings, I calculated that in just a week my flytrap caught 1800 flies!!! Can you imagine how all this crowd would have ruined my vacation if it weren’t for the flycatcher.

How to get rid of flies in the country: do-it-yourself Australian flytrap trap, fly, flytrap, do it yourself, do it yourself


Biochemical method

The biochemical method involves the use of insecticides (chemical or plant origin).

Insecticides of chemical origin are produced based on:

  • methomyl;
  • chlorpyrifos;
  • cypermethrin;
  • thiamethoxicam;
  • bitrex;
  • cystricosene.

They are presented in the form of sprays, aerosols, concentrates, solutions, and powders. Medilis Ziper, Sinuzan, Agita, Delta Zone, Solfisan have proven themselves to be quite good. The drugs are diluted according to the instructions, since they are toxic and, if used incorrectly, are harmful to human health.

Plant-derived repellents include plants and herbs. Basil, lavender, geranium, laurel, rosemary, and cloves effectively repel flies.

A basil-based product will help get rid of flies in the shortest possible time. To prepare 150 g of basil (fresh or dried), pour ½ cup of boiling water and leave to steep for 2-3 hours. Then pour in 100 g of alcohol and leave for another hour.

After a while, the leaves are removed from the tincture, filtered and poured into the solution in a spray bottle. The product is sprayed in places where insects accumulate.

A gauze bag with cloves (with the spice, not the flowers) is hung under the lamp. The smell is enhanced by the heat from the lamp, thereby achieving a repellent effect.

Outdoor fly trap

This trap is effective against dung and blood-sucking flies, mosquitoes and other midges. You can place it in the local area, next to the outdoor toilet, chicken coop, barn.

How to do:

  1. Take a 1-5 liter metal can, for example a paint can. Using a knife or metal scissors, make a large hole in its side in the form of a window, and cover this window with a fine-mesh metal mesh. Secure the mesh with wire.
  2. Attach a low-power light bulb to the lid of the jar and bring the electrical wire outside. Use an extension cord if the outlet is far away.
  3. Prepare a poisonous solution to kill flies: add 3 g of agita or other insecticide for flies, a few drops of ammonia and lactic acid to 100 ml of water. Treat the entire body of the trap with this solution, and place a piece of meat inside.

Lactic acid imitates the body odor of humans and animals, thereby attracting flies. After some time, meat that has spoiled will also emit an odor attractive to flies. And the agita contains substances that attract flies - pheromones.

The light bulb will additionally attract insects at dusk. They will land on the body of the trap and receive a lethal dose of poison.

Devices for controlling flies

To kill flies, special devices are used - electric traps, ultrasonic devices, etc.

An ultrasound device is a device that generates high-frequency waves. Insects perceive the sound as a signal of possible danger, and therefore leave the area.

There are several types of electrical traps:

  • traps that emit carbon dioxide;
  • devices with a built-in fan;
  • devices equipped with ultraviolet lamps.

Carbon dioxide resembles the smell of human skin - this lures harmful insects. Once caught in the trap space, flies are unable to escape, as a result of which they die from electrical discharge and dehydration. Such traps are safe for humans and animals.

Traps with a built-in fan operate on the following principle: the device attracts with the light of a lamp, and when an insect flies up to it, it is sucked in (like a vacuum cleaner). Destroyed pests end up in a replaceable container (changed as it is filled).

Devices with ultraviolet lamps have a built-in metal plate that is energized. When insects come into contact with it, they die from electric current.

The advantages of using devices are efficiency, affordable price, reliability, safety for people and animals.

Electric fly trap at home

In most cases, the device is purchased, but you can make it yourself.

You will need:

  • housekeeper light bulb;
  • high voltage module;
  • insulating tape;
  • hot glue;
  • AA battery.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Disassemble the light bulb so that what remains is the plastic housing, the bulb with the tubes that are attached to the housing.
  2. Make a through hole in the plastic, take an aluminum wire, thread it through one of the holes.
  3. Wrap the wire around the light bulb and remove all excess. Do the same with the second hole.
  4. There are 2 wires inside the base. Wind one around the tip of the wire and bend it, leaving 2 contacts.
  5. Connect the high-voltage module to a AA battery through a switch.
  6. Make holes, insert the switch, module into the housing.
  7. You need to solder the wiring, wrap the soldered wires of the module to the battery with electrical tape, and glue the module to the base with hot glue.
  8. Insert the light bulb into the base so that the contacts touch the contacts of the module, screw it in and turn on the device.

DIY electric fly trap

On a note!

Flying into the light of an electric trap, pests will be shocked by a current discharge upon contact with it. The method is very effective, but also dangerous. Not recommended for use near small children and pets. There is one drawback - as soon as the battery runs out, the device needs to be redone. Not everyone will want to bother with preparing a complex design. Most people prefer to buy a ready-made device.

Folk remedies for flies

In addition to the basic methods of fighting flies, folk remedies are used.

A bait based on castor oil and rosin effectively destroys pests. The two components are mixed in equal proportions and heated. Add a little jam or honey to the mixture.

The result will be a sticky mixture with a smell that attracts flies. It is applied to sheets of paper and hung in places where insects accumulate.

Vodka works well to repel flies (medicinal alcohol will also work). It is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed around the apartment. The product destroys pests and also has disinfectant properties (kills viruses and bacteria).

A bait based on black pepper will help destroy a swarm of flies. To prepare you will need:

  • 60 g granulated sugar;
  • 30 g black pepper;
  • 200 ml water.

Dissolve sugar in water and mix thoroughly. Then add pepper. The resulting solution is poured into a saucer.

Baits are placed around the apartment in places where insects accumulate. The flies die two days after “eating” the treat.

Flies cannot tolerate the aroma of laurel. In areas of greatest habitat, dried bay leaves are laid out.

Mint has a repellent effect. It is laid out around the apartment in fresh or dried form.

Bottle trap for flies and fruit flies

This is a closed type trap, but it will also attract insects with a sweet smell and catch them with a sticky substance. To make it, use a regular 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle of water or soda.

  1. The top third of the bottle needs to be cut off, and 200-300 ml of viscous sugar syrup should be poured into the bottom of the lower part. You can add a little honey, beer or fruit juice or fermented jam to the syrup. The consistency should be viscous enough so that insects quickly drown in it and are unable to escape.
  2. Insert the cut top part of the bottle into the bottom part with the neck down, without a cap. Fasten the two parts with a stapler or tape.
  3. In order for flies and flies to more actively fall into the bottle, its edges should be lightly greased with sweet syrup and placed where insects fly most often.

If you plan to place the trap outside, it is better to add a little white vinegar to it to repel honey bees and thereby protect them from death.

Instead of a plastic bottle, you can use a glass jar and funnel. The principle is the same: pour a little sweet viscous liquid into a jar, insert a funnel into the jar with the end down, and change the bait from time to time.

Preventive measures

Maintaining cleanliness is the main means of preventing the appearance of harmful insects in the house:

  • After eating, be sure to wash the dishes.
  • Food products are not left in sight - they are hidden in containers, bags and put in the refrigerator.
  • Garbage is removed when it is full. Wash the bucket regularly using disinfectants.
  • The apartment is regularly thoroughly cleaned (dusting, washing the floors, vacuuming, getting rid of old things).
  • Drains in sanitary facilities and sinks are wiped dry (this is a favorable place for fly larvae).
  • If the drains are clogged, they must be cleaned. Stale organic waste attracts flies.
  • If there are pets at home, any leftover food (wet or dry) should be removed immediately after feeding.
  • Mosquito nets are installed on doors and windows.
  • When purchasing indoor flowers, fruits, and vegetables, they are carefully inspected for the presence of harmful insects.
  • The area where the trash can is located is kept clean.
  • If there are pens for animals on the territory of a private house (chicken coops, barns, etc.), they are cleaned regularly.

These rules must be followed by all household members, otherwise pest control will not bring positive results.

How dangerous are flies?

Many types of flies pose an epidemiological danger because they carry infectious diseases. These include:

  • dysentery;
  • typhoid fever;
  • hepatitis A;
  • tuberculosis;
  • tularemia;
  • listeriosis;
  • salmonellosis;
  • anthrax;
  • diphtheria;
  • cholera.

Some fly larvae parasitize the human body, causing a number of diseases (genitourinary, gastrointestinal, skin). Therefore, timely control of flying insects is important.

However, there is also a positive value of flies for nature. Flies are nature's orderlies, destroying rotting organic waste and carrion.

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